Основатель – Юрист А.Вахит КАЯ

Основатель – Юрист А.Вахит КАЯ
Completed his law degree at the Law Faculty of Marmara University, Istanbul in 1989 and was admitted to the Istanbul Bar in 1991. He worked as a partner at Fırat Law Firm until 1999
Other Qualifications
Advanced Diploma in International Trade from Melbourne- Swinburne University, in 2001
MBA / MIB University of Queensland (UQ) Australia 2003
Certificate of International and Comparative Law (UQ) Australia and MU-Wisconsin, USA 2004
Master of Laws (LLM) the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia in 2005
He is member of ;
EUROJURIS International, PEOPIL Pan European Personal Injury Lawyers,
LawNet and APIL UK, LAWASIA The Law Association for Asia and the Pacific, AAJ (The American Association for Justice) , European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law, GOSSLAR and Institute for European Traffic Law ( IETL )
Areas of specialisation: Corporate, Contracts and Insurance Law, Personal Injury, Malpractice, International civil law, Travel, Transport and Aviation Law, Foreign Investment, Real Estate and Property Law
Languages: English, Turkish, Sign Language